自己來做Word Cloud!

標籤雲(Tag Cloud)是利用視覺化的方式來表示一連串相關意義名詞的集合,通常是單一名詞,並且具有以下特性:

(1) 越重要的關鍵字較為醒目。
(2) 重要性可以依照點閱次數、文章篇數或其他計算權重方式而定。

Wikipedia 是這樣定義的:

A tag cloud is a set of related tags with corresponding weights. Typical tag clouds have between 30 and 150 tags. The weights are represented using font sizes or other visual clues. Meanwhile, histograms or pie charts are most commonly used to represent approximately a dozen different weights. Hence, tag clouds can represent many more weights, though less accurately so. Also, frequently, tag clouds are interactive: tags are hyperlinks typically allowing the user to drill down on the data.

這裡要介紹一個網站,你可以利用它輕鬆的做出自己的Tag Cloud!這個網站叫做【Wordle】

使用上也相當簡單,他支援三種產生word cloud的方式:

(1) 自行輸入一連串的文字(用,隔開即可)

(2) 提供網址或Rss Feed,這是我blog的RSS Feed產生出來的cloud :

(3) 提供del.icio.us的user name,它會自動抓取。


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