

  • Yahoo sells to a big media company, but it won't be Microsoft; Yahoo getting bought is a big call and I hope I'm wrong about it - but e.g. I could see the likes of Rupert Murdoch swooping in if things get much worse for the former dot com high flyer.


  • Microsoft releases a cool online version of Office, but then Google releases an amazing new version of Google Docs; Microsoft promised the first bit at PDC '08, but when that launches I forsee it being trumped soon after by Google releasing a more powerful version of its browser-based Google Docs. One that is comparable in user experience (but not features, because that is unnecessary) to MS Word. This new version of Google Docs may be limited to Chrome at first, but it will get a lot of attention and scare the bejeebers out of Redmond.
微軟會不會釋出線上版的office我是不敢保證,就我使用Google Docs的結果,雖然online的編輯器有某些好處,不過在速度和使用的習慣性上還有待適應。不過就我觀察,Google Docs在一些新興的網路公司使用的情形好像還蠻普遍的,我想這和新公司勇於嘗試新技術有關係。在【知識分享】的用途面,Google Docs倒是成為很多線上文件分享的標準。



(1) 藍光光碟開始普及
(2) 硬碟容量到達10TB
(3) 光纖開始普及
(4) Google推出更多G Phone的應用
(5) 微軟的Windows 7依舊失敗。微軟開始朝網路端靠近
(6) 外接裝置大一統
(7) 桌上型電腦式微,筆記型電腦大放異彩
(8) 無線上網更加成熟
(9) 手機上網開始熱門
(10) Google再推出殺手級應用


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